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(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency

Performance Indicators

  1. Curriculum and course materials and resources are provided as required. (B)
  2. Incorporate motivational techniques to create culturally responsive performance assessments and feedback. (B)
  3. Recognizing diverse cultural perspectives, assistance is provided in a courteous and respectful manner. (B)
  4. Timeliness of responses to colleagues and staff is weighed against the need for input from divergent sources and stakeholders. (B)
  5. Collaborate professionally with other departments and services to accurately provide information that supports an equitable and inclusive learning environment. (B)
  6. Institution-wide and interdisciplinary student learning activities and initiatives focus on overcoming barriers to entry and are fully supported by staff and faculty. (I)
  7. Professional growth is promoted among staff and faculty. (I)
  8. College and departmental committees are staffed with diverse members and attended with full participation in accordance with college policy. (I)
  9. Per college policy, institute industry-standard and culturally responsive affective-training techniques and assessment with input from key stakeholders, including program graduates. (M)

Technical Knowledge

  1. Knowledge of locations and use of technology tools to file or post curriculum and course materials and resources. (B)
  2. With a focus on adopting diverse and inclusive instructional resources, demonstrate knowledge of the learning resources adoption procedures and processes. (B)
  3. Acquire and maintain up-to-date knowledge of college departments and services. (B)
  4. Knowledge of and ability to use technology tools that promote equitable access, are culturally relevant, and facilitate college communication and collaboration. (B)
  5. Ability to use technology tools that promote college communication and collaboration. (B)
  6. Acquire and maintain knowledge of professional development opportunities. (B)
  7. Acquire and maintain knowledge of program requirements and outcomes. (B)
  8. Knowledge of culturally responsive performance assessment, feedback, and recommendation procedures. (B)
  9. Knowledge of employment contract. (B)
  10. When possible, participate in a culturally responsive, shared-governance model in the college structure that is reflected in college policies and procedures. (I)