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(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency

Performance Indicators

  1. Accuracy of information in college schedules and publications is monitored and modified as necessary. (B)
  2. When appropriate, schedules (including times, room and teaching assignments) are coordinated between program core and support courses, to improve equitable access. (I)
  3. Schedules and publications regarding the program are kept current, seek to improve equitable access, and comply with all college policies and legal requirements. (I)
  4. Accurate program information is provided to college departments responsible for publication. (I)
  5. All materials about programs are consistent, incorporating equitable, anti-racism, anti-bias, cross-cultural instructional practices. (I)

Technical Knowledge

  1. Knowledge of program requirements and courses. (B)
  2. Knowledge of program information. (B)
  3. Knowledge of publication modification procedures. (I)
  4. Knowledge of publication timelines. (I)
  5. Ability to schedule courses within a program incorporating equitable practices. (M)
  6. Knowledge of legal requirements regarding college publications. (M)
  7. Knowledge of interdisciplinary college course scheduling procedures. (M)