(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency
Performance Indicators
- Student club goals and objectives are identified, stated, implemented, and focus on inclusion and equity. (B)
- Assistance in facilitating meetings and activities is provided, accommodating inclusiveness, accessibility, and equity. (B)
- Students are advised of available activities and resources, with an emphasis on diversity and equitable access. (I)
- Information, guidance, and resources are provided, and incorporate culturally responsive assessment and feedback. (I)
- Established state and college policies and procedures are followed. (I)
- Student leaders are effectively guided and mentored in conducting the business of the organization and/or activity, with consideration of inclusiveness, equity and diverse cultures. (M)
Technical Knowledge
- Knowledge of student activity advisor responsibilities and limitations per college policies and procedures. (I)
- Ability to work within the existing advisory system to accomplish stated goals. (I)
- Knowledge of constitutional by-laws of the activity or organization. (I)
- Application, in a learning environment, of equitable methods of decision making, using procedures that are culturally relevant. (M)
- Use motivational techniques, culturally responsive assessments, and feedback to develop student leaders. (M)
- With an emphasis to overcome systemic barriers, actively engage with organizations, optimize opportunities, and weigh-in on procedures to obtain support for student activities and competitions. (M)