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(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency

Performance Indicators

  1. Instructional materials relevant to the industry and learning processes with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion are readily available for review by the instructor. (B)
  2. Instructional materials are clearly identified, support curriculum outcomes, support DEI principles, and are completely reviewed on a regular basis. (B)
  3. Instructional materials comply with or exceed state/federal requirements or guidelines as necessary. (B)
  4. Instructional materials support relevant industry and accreditation standards. (B)
  5. Instructional materials are customized and acknowledge DEI to meet student needs and
    program outcomes. (B)
  6. Course description and curriculum outcomes are aligned and are relevant to student success. (B)
  7. Instructional materials are selected and approved in accordance with college policies and procedures. (I)
  8. Instructional materials are researched to ensure quality and currency. (I)
  9. Instructional materials are vetted by DEI stakeholders to appeal to multiple learning styles and
    diverse learners. (I)
  10. Campus resources are consulted to ensure availability of instructional materials. (I)
  11. Method of delivery is taken into consideration when preparing and selecting materials. (I)
  12. Entire instructional team department/colleagues/students/community/etc. is integrated in the process of fine tuning the direction of objectives. (M)

Technical Knowledge

  1. Knowledge of current, relevant, and culturally appropriate instructional materials includes, but is not limited to: OER materials, guest speakers, cultural artifacts, textbooks, reference materials, audiovisuals, websites, handouts, software and simulations. (B)
  2. Knowledge of foundational and current sources of information regarding instructional materials and the ability to access them. (B)
  3. Ability to understand barriers that may prevent students from accessing instructional materials. (I)
  4. Knowledge of the credibility of sources of instructional materials. (I)
  5. Knowledge of campus and community resources and sharing with students their relevance to student engagement, retention, goals, and success. (I)
  6. Knowledge of learning styles and diverse teaching methodologies and the ability to implement them. (M)
  7. Knowledge of local/state/federal and industry specific requirements or guidelines regarding
    instructional materials. (M)
  8. Ability to modify instructional materials to meet student needs, curricular outcomes, program outcomes, and modes of delivery. (M)