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(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency

Performance Indicators

  1. Advisory committee meetings are held on a regular basis as required. (B)
  2. Instructors attend advisory committee meetings. (B)
  3. Advisory committee recommendations are solicited and are recorded in the minutes. (B)
  4. Meeting minutes are filed and maintained in accordance with college policies and procedures. (B)
  5. Active participation of all advisory committee members is encouraged, and culturally divergent opinions are embraced. (I)
  6. With the goal of diversifying membership, new advisory committee members are recruited as positions become vacant. (M)
  7. Advisory committee membership is comprised of diverse representation and meets SBCTC (State Board for Community and Technical Colleges) requirements. (M)
  8. Selection and use of diverse instructional resources is reflective of current changes in industry and supported by regular contact with employers. (M)

Technical Knowledge

  1. Knowledge of the employer base and the ability to access it. (B)
  2. Accurately communicate the demographic diversity of the industry and demonstrate efforts to overcome barriers to entry. (B)
  3. Participation in the recruitment process to create/maintain a diverse advisory committee that aligns with requirements outlined by SBCTC. (I)
  4. Knowledge of college policy and procedures related to recording of advisory committee recommendations. (M)