(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency
Performance Indicators
- New instructional strategies and technologies are researched by participating in professional conferences and consulting with advisory committees, with a commitment to overcoming barriers to entry, recognizing diverse learning styles, and ensuring cultural relevancy. (I)
- Industry and technology suppliers are properly consulted to stay current on new instructional strategies and technologies. (I)
- Social and information networks and professional organizations are actively pursued and effectively utilized to learn about emerging strategies and technologies for the learning environment. (I)
- New technologies are in accordance with current college policies and procedures with a continued focus on student success. (I)
- Considering motivational techniques in evaluation processes, ensuring equitable access to evaluation methods, and providing culturally responsive assessment and feedback in methodology assessment, evaluate new methodologies related to instructional strategies and technologies. (M)
Technical Knowledge
- Maintain knowledge of college policies and procedures. (B)
- Maintain knowledge of sources of information regarding professional conferences. (I)
- Maintain knowledge of social and information networks and professional organizations, including those with proven DEI emphases. (I)
- Considering motivational techniques in evaluation processes, ensuring equitable access to evaluation methods, and providing culturally responsive assessment and feedback in methodology assessment, evaluate new methodologies related to instructional strategies and technologies. (I)
- Demonstrate ability to implement new instructional strategies and technologies, with a commitment to cultural acknowledgment in technology implementation, recognition of diverse advisory committees’ input in implementation planning, and the promotion of equitable, anti-racism, anti-bias, and cross-cultural instructional practices. (I)
- Ability to access industry suppliers and knowledge of how to network with them. (M)