(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency
Performance Indicators
- Off-campus sites are regularly visited to determine suitability for student learning, with a focus on overcoming barriers to entry for all students, considering diverse learning styles in site assessments, and ensuring cultural relevancy in the selection process. (B)
- Off-campus learning environments and their site supervisors meet established criteria, inclusivity and accessibility. (B)
- Internships/externships are coordinated in an effective, inclusive, and accessible manner. (B)
- Off-campus learning sites are identified and properly recruited in accordance with the established course outcomes, ensuring equitable access to these opportunities, overcoming barriers to entry in recruitment, and recognizing diverse advisory committees’ input in the selection process. (I)
- Meetings about the roles, responsibilities, and inclusiveness of site personnel, students, and instructors are held with site supervisors. (I)
- Off-campus sites are researched and evaluated for distinctive accessibility and inclusivity-oriented needs. (I)
- Work-based learning environments are comprehensively evaluated in an ongoing manner in accordance with program specification and inclusive access. (M)
Technical Knowledge
- Knowledge of off-campus sites and site requirements of students. (B)
- Knowledge of roles and responsibilities of site supervisors, instructors, preceptors, and students. (B)
- Knowledge of work-based learning environment evaluation procedures, policies, labor law requirements, training agreements, accessibility, and other criteria. (B)
- Knowledge of internship/externship procedures, including accessibility and inclusivity considerations. (B)
- Knowledge of criteria for selection of off-campus sites, and site supervisors and/or preceptors, with emphasis on accessibility and inclusivity. (I)
- Ability to partner with off-campus sites which meet established criteria, with an emphasis on accessible and inclusive settings. (I)