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(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency

Performance Indicators

  1. Safety issues are carefully considered and acknowledge the unique safety concerns of individuals from diverse backgrounds. (B)
  2. Technology changes and industry compatibility are accurately assessed, with a focus on equity and inclusion. (I)
  3. Student, program, and industry needs are correctly identified, acknowledging the unique needs of individuals from diverse backgrounds. Present inventory is accurately assessed for equitable access. (I)
  4. Funding sources and timelines are correctly identified. (M)
  5. Facilities, technological support, and equipment maintenance schedules are accurately assessed, with an equity focus that ensures all participants have access to well-maintained resources. (M)
  6. Cost-effective recommendations are included in the plan, with an emphasis on equity and diverse learning styles. (M)
  7. The plan includes a culturally responsive implementation schedule, personnel training, and responsibilities and assessment mechanisms. (M)

Technical Knowledge

  1. Ability to access equipment maintenance, repair information, and technical support. (B)
  2. Ability to perform basic service operations on standard tools and equipment that considers diverse learning styles and backgrounds. (B)
  3. Knowledge of funding sources and availability and how to access them. (I)
  4. Knowledge of current industry, environmental regulations, student, program, and safety requirements. (I)
  5. Knowledge of assessment tools within the industry compared to the classroom setting, that support culturally responsive assessment and feedback. (I)
  6. Ability to perform cost/benefit analysis with a focus on equity. (I)
  7. Knowledge of system or program requirements and facility and system capabilities, with a commitment to equity by ensuring that systems and facilities are accessible and adaptable to diverse needs. (M)