by Ricardo Ibarra | Mar 4, 2024 | Critical Work Function C: Develop and review programs
Legend:(B) baseline proficiency, (I) intermediate proficiency,(M) mastery-level proficiency Performance Indicators Core and support courses meet degree and certificate requirements. (B) All required curriculum modifications incorporate diverse instructional resources;...
by Ricardo Ibarra | Mar 4, 2024 | Critical Work Function C: Develop and review programs
Legend:(B) baseline proficiency, (I) intermediate proficiency,(M) mastery-level proficiency Performance Indicators Accrediting body faculty credentialing requirements are met. (B) Accrediting bodies are notified of all proposed changes as required and appropriate...
by Ricardo Ibarra | Mar 4, 2024 | Critical Work Function C: Develop and review programs
Legend:(B) baseline proficiency, (I) intermediate proficiency,(M) mastery-level proficiency Performance Indicators Advisory committees are regularly consulted on industry standards. (B) Industry standards, trends, and changes are identified, evaluated, and...
by Ricardo Ibarra | Mar 4, 2024 | Critical Work Function C: Develop and review programs
Legend:(B) baseline proficiency, (I) intermediate proficiency,(M) mastery-level proficiency Performance Indicators All instructional policies and guidelines are thoroughly researched and followed. (M) Articulation and/or transfer agreements are established. (M)...
by Ricardo Ibarra | Mar 4, 2024 | Critical Work Function D: Provide Student Instruction
Legend:(B) baseline proficiency, (I) intermediate proficiency,(M) mastery-level proficiency Performance Indicators Instructional materials relevant to the industry and learning processes with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion are readily available for review...