(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency
Performance Indicators
- Outcomes are assessed by a variety of measurements/tools and incorporate culturally responsive assessment and feedback. (B)
- Assessments accurately measure student performance of specified outcomes/competencies. (B)
- Assessments include a variety of activities including performance-based or theory-based assessments, which are culturally relevant. (I)
- Assessment criteria are established in accordance with industry standards and/ accrediting bodies. (I)
- Assessment tools and criteria provide relevant feedback for learner self-assessment and improvement and incorporate motivational techniques. (I)
- Assessments are evaluated and modified based on changes in the industry, advisory committee input, objective analysis of assessment data/results, and are culturally responsive. (M)
Technical Knowledge
- Knowledge of assessment construction and measurements. (B)
- Knowledge of culturally responsive theory-based and performance-based assessments. (B)
- Knowledge of industry and accrediting body standards. (B)
- Knowledge of formal, informal, formative, and summative assessments, that acknowledge diverse learning styles. (B)
- Ability to modify assessments based on objective analysis of assessment data/results, that incorporates diverse learning styles. (I)
- Knowledge of feedback strategies appropriate to diverse learning styles and are culturally responsive. (I)