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(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency

Performance Indicators

  1. Outcomes assessments are performed to evaluate student performance, according to appropriate industry criteria and diverse learning styles. (B)
  2. Student performance is assessed in relation to published student outcomes and/or competencies. (B)
  3. Industry standards are integrated within the curriculum where appropriate. (I)
  4. Implementation and assessment occur in an ongoing manner to keep current with technology, trends, equity, and diverse learning approaches. (I)
  5. Post-completion and employer assessments are conducted and used to improve curricula and instructional practice, with an emphasis on diverse learning styles and equity practices. (M)
  6. Utilize the assessment process to obtain relevant feedback for equitable and inclusive program improvements. (M)

Technical Knowledge

  1. Knowledge of industry standards. (B)
  2. Knowledge of campus resources for student course evaluation, post-completion follow-up, and faculty evaluation surveys. (I)
  3. Knowledge of and ability to implement equitable and inclusive curriculum improvements. (I)
  4. Knowledge of current technology and trends, while promoting equitable access. (I)
  5. Ability to use assessment data to implement inclusive and equitable improvements in curriculum. (I)
  6. Knowledge of local employer contacts. (M)
  7. Knowledge of published student outcomes and competencies. (M)