(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency
Performance Indicators
- Program outcomes are assessed by a variety of metrics, using culturally responsive assessment and feedback. (I)
- Program outcomes are properly documented in accordance with college and accrediting body policy. (I)
- Program outcomes are properly documented in accordance with college and/or accrediting body policy. (I)
- Essential technical and non-technical skills are included in the program outcomes, using motivational techniques. (I)
- Program assessment criteria are established per industry standards and/or accrediting bodies and accurately measure the performance of specified outcomes. (M)
- Program assessments are evaluated and modified based on changes in the industry, diverse advisory committee input, and community/student needs. (M)
- Industry standards are researched, and program outcomes are reviewed by the diverse advisory committee. (M)
- Program outcomes are evaluated in a continuous review cycle with input from stakeholder groups, promoting cultural acknowledgment and equitable, anti-racism, anti-bias, cross-cultural instructional practices. (M)
Technical Knowledge
- Knowledge of outcomes and assessment activities and criteria and relevant industry and accrediting body standards. (B)
- Knowledge of advisory committee protocols. (B)
- Knowledge of technical and non-technical skills. (B)
- Knowledge of documentation procedures for program outcomes/competencies. (B)
- Ability to write program outcomes/competencies, promoting cultural acknowledgment and equitable, anti-racism, anti-bias, cross-cultural instructional practices. (I)
- Ability to integrate technical and non-technical skills into outcomes/competencies, using motivational techniques. (I)
- Ability to write assessments that accurately measure program outcomes/competencies, promoting cultural acknowledgment and equitable, anti-racism, anti-bias, cross-cultural instructional practices. (M)
- Ability to evaluate and modify assessments that accurately measure program outcomes/competencies, with a focus on cultural acknowledgment and equitable, anti-racism, anti-bias, cross-cultural instructional practices. (M)