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(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency

Performance Indicators

  1. Necessary data is procured or provided as requested. (I)
  2. Appropriate campus personnel are contacted to investigate grant opportunities. (M)
  3. Sources of grant opportunities are thoroughly investigated. (M)
  4. Necessary forms and/or documents and reports are completed within established guidelines. (M)
  5. Funds are expended in accordance with grant proposal restrictions. (M)
  6. Grant proposal presentations to appropriate personnel are made as necessary. (M)
  7. Grant follow-up and evaluations are completed in a timely manner. (M)

Technical Knowledge

  1. Knowledge of sources of grant opportunities. (I)
  2. Ability to research information and write proposals in accordance with grant guidelines. (M)
  3. Ability to manage grant funds. (M)
  4. Ability to assess progress and effectiveness of the grant. (M)
  5. Knowledge of resources for grant writing. (M)