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(B) baseline proficiency,
(I) intermediate proficiency,
(M) mastery-level proficiency

Performance Indicators

  1. Implement and develop inclusive marketing/outreach strategies to reduce barriers to entry. (B)

  2. Use strategies to overcome barriers of entry and actively incorporate equitable processes when identifying prospective students. (B)

  3. Coordinate with Skills Centers/High Schools to collaboratively eliminate barriers to entry when identifying prospective students. (B)

  4. All appropriate approvals are obtained in accordance with college policies and procedures. (B)

  5. Provide accurate information for the creation and modification of published program materials. (B)

  6. Continually review and update published materials with a focus on cultural relevance, currency, and accuracy. (B)

  7. Required marketing budget is accurately and completely developed. (M)

Technical Knowledge

  1. Demonstrate the ability to locate contact information for high school advisory committees, feeder programs, or institutional advisory committee members. (I)
  2. Ability to identify potential recruiting venues. (I)